NZ6_00214  |  Z8A_00502 Wood Duck Aix sponsa  |  NZ6_00685 Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis  |  Z8A_02761  |  ND2_38928  |
 Z8A_03296 Men's Criterium, Tour de Gatineau 2024  |  Z8A_03378 Professional Women's Criterium, 2024  |  Z8A_02940 Austrailian Liv Team  |  Z8A_03101 Letizia, Paternoster, ITA, with team Liv, celebrates her win in the 120km road race.  |  ND3_30285 Colton, August 6, 2010  |
 ND2_15086  |  ND3_30350  |  Z8A_02621 Common Loon Gavia immer  |  Z8A_02321 Women's Event, Italian Week Criterium - 2024 From left to right, Elizabeth Smith, Jazmine Lavergne and Skyler Goudswaard, This is one of the images posted in Criterium Racing.  |  Z8A_02332 Women's Event, Italian Week Criterium, in Ottawa. This is one of the images posted in Criterium Racing.  |
 Z8A_01758 Ottawa Italian Festival Criterium - 2024. This event included Cat C, D and Masters. This is one of the images posted in Criterium Racing.  |  ND2_8944 Reddish Egret Egretta rufescens  |  Z8A_01480  |  Z8A_01515 Osprey Pandion haliaetus See more Osprey in Osprey.  |  NZ6_02277 Ottawa Tulip Festival 2024  |
 NZ6_02301  |  Z8A_01419 Reddish Egret Egretta rufescens See the gallery devoted to Reddish Egrets.  |  |  Z8A_01360  |  Z8A_01043 Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca  |
 Z8A_01014 The egret behind is a Juvenile, as indicated by the bluish beak  |  Leah's Rabbit Puzzle Leah's rabbit is a Flemish Giant. You can tell the size when you look at the armchair. The puzzle was cut and packaged by https://www.portraitpuzzles.com/. I have had a few puzzles cut by them, and they have been very good quality.  |  ND3_18236  |  Z8A_01077 Tricoloured Heron Egretta tricolor I am entertained by this shot, as the Heron looks like it is carved from wood and hand-painted. But it is a real Tricoloured Heron.  |  ND3_16036  |
 DSC_7572 Eppiphane. The Big Money Concert.  |  Z8A_00796 Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias See more Little Blue Heron shots in Bird Book.
 |  Z8A_00778 Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea> See more Little Blue Heron shots in Bird Book.  |  Z8A_00705 Osprey Pandion haliaetus See more Osprey in Osprey.  |  Z8A_00568 Willet Catoptrophorus semipalmatas See more Willets in Bird Book.  |
 NZ6_02204 The Sanding Ovations Masters Cup is held at Treasure Island, Florida. The theme for the 2023 competition was "Time." The title of this work was "Presley, Sage, Rosemary & Time."  |  Z8A_00513 Wood Duck Aix sponsa  |  ND3_29425 Part of John Ceprano's massive rock sculpture installation at Remic Rapids on the Ottawa River.  |  iPhone14_05118  |  ND3_29210 Common Loon Gavia immer  |
 iPhone14_05038.web Canna In Major''s Hill Park, next to the Parliament Buildings.  |  Z8A_00133 Pro Soccer. Ottawa Atletico (in red) vs. Winnipeg Valour.  |  Z8A_00275  |  NZ8_01887 At the Buskerfest, our photo club had a "Shoot A Stranger" evening. (Actually in talking to people, I said, "Photograph Someone You Don't Know.") Here is the shot that I like best. This is one of the images posted in Street People.  |  NZ8_0670 Oops! My apologies to Red. I just had to publish it. The image is so strong compositionally, and they don't form themselves this well all the time. This is one of the images posted in U18 Womens Football.  |
 NZ8_00849 Frédérique Morneau, the Quebec U18 Women's Tackle Team. She won the MVP for this game. This is one of the images posted in U18 Womens Football.  |  NZ6_02087 Red Squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus  |  iPhone14_04763 Day Lily Hemerocallis fulva Also called the ditch lily, this plant is considered invasive. This wonderful healthy bloom was part of the front lawn of a house that I passed.  |  NZ8_00313 Women's event at the Ottawa Italian Festival Criterium, June 2023.  |  NZ8_00349 The Women's Event at the Italian Festival Criterium, 2023. This is one of the images posted in Criterium Racing.  |
 NZ8_00386 The Women's Event at the Italian Festival Criterium, 2023. This is one of the images posted in Criterium Racing.  |  NZ8_00402 Women's event, the Italian Festival Criterium, Ottawa, 2023. This is one of the images posted in Criterium Racing.  |  NZ8_00044 Potentilla Potentilla fruticosa Shot in my backyard, mostly to see how close I could get with my telephoto lens. Shot is handheld. This is one of the images posted in Serious Flowers.  |  NZ6_01965 Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea> This is a juvenile, just beginning to darken up. The Little Blue has a length of 24" and wingspan of 40" compared to the Great Blue, which has a length 42" and a wingspan of 72 inches.  |  |
 NZ6_01081  |  NZ6_00894 Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis  |  NZ6_00612 Chipping Sparrow Spizella passerina  |  NZ6_00706 Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens  |  NZ6_00692 Common Redpoll Carduelis flammea  |
 NZ6_00742 Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis  |  ND2_4412  |  My Classroom My classroom, probably in the Spring of 1962.  |  ND2_28970  |  DSC_10960 There are two Easter eggs in this image.  |
 ND3_28566 Eastern Gray Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis Black squirrels are a melanistic subgroup of Eastern Gray Squirrels with black coloration on their fur.  |  ND2_28926  |  ND3_5013 Evening, looking north, above the Ottawa Locks, toward the Alexadra Bridge.  |  NZ6_00340  |  Black-capped Chickadee Black-capped Chickadee Poecile atricapella  |
 NZ6_00380 Sunset at Mississippi Lake  |  NZ6_00278  |  NZ6_00241  |  ND4_11265  |  |
 ND3_26529  |  ND3_26210 Boots is a Shih Pooh.  |  ND3_22655  |  ND3_22106 Brown Pelican Pelicanus occidentalis  |  ND3_21831 Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea>  |
 ND3_21835 Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea> The Little Blue has a length of 24" and wingspan of 40" compared to the Great Blue, which has a length 42" and a wingspan of 72 inches.  |  ND3_19393 Black-bellied Plover Pluvialis squatarola  |  ND2_36593 Cormorant in Late Afternoon Light at Pass-A-Grill. Double Crested Cormorant Phalacrocorax auritus  |  ND2_36343 Juvenile Black-bellied Plover Pluvialis squatarola  |  ND3_27543 Borneo Orangutan  |
 ND3_27405 Clouded Leopard Neofelis nebulosa  |  ND3_27469 Malayan Tiger  |  ND3_27380 Yellow-billed Stork Mycteria ibis>  |  ND3_26430  |  ND3_26793  |
 ND3_26643  |  ND3_26587  |  APC_1034_cover  |  ND3_27288  |  ND3_26488  |
 ND3_26399  |  ND3_26633  |  ND3_27093 Angolan Colobus Monkey olobus angolensis
 |  ND3_26852  |  ND2_39777_bw  |
 ND3_26226 A Shih Tzu mix named Boots  |  ND3_25718  |  |  ND2_36254  |  |
 |  |  ND2_39481 Tikituna Gertrude Kinnakeet IV Jr. Stiks. One of the drummers at the Treasure Island Drum Circle. This shot is in the the gallery, Treasure Island Drum Circle.  |  APC_0334  |  ND3_25847  |
 ND3_25822  |  ND3_25867  |  ND3_25782  |  ND3_25793 Bishop Raymond T. Baker & Linda Baker  |  RX1_02586  |
 ND3_25682  |  ND3_25529 Vincent Massey Park, in Ottawa, has some of the best Autumn colour to be found anywhere. The brilliance of the landscape competes fiercely with the charm of our model.  |  ND2_10833  |  ND3_23600  |  ND3_23698  |
 ND3_23538  |  ND3_25014 June 19 2000  |  ND3_24283.web  |  ND3_24346  |  ND3_23453  |
 ND2_37712  |  ND3_18162  |  ND3_23985 Limpkin Aramus guarauna Limpkin, shot at sunset, preparing for its evening meal. Limpkins are very uncommon outside of Florida. With a length of 26 inches and a weight of 2.4 pounds, they look like giant waders, but five times the size of a Willet, for example.  |  ND3_24046 Juvenile Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja The juvenile Spoonbill still has a feathered head. In another year, it will have the same featherless head as its parents. This was shot just before sunset. The late afternoon sun has cast the shodow of its bill halfway down its back.  |  RX1_02029  |
 ND2_38849 White Ibis Eudocimus albus  |  ND2_38809 Green Heron Butorides virescens |  ND3_24194  |  ND3_24026 Black Vulture Coragyps atratus  |  RX1_02046 Northern Pintail Anas acuta  |
 ND3_22506_poster  |  ND3_7015  |  ND3_24188 Red Shouldered Hawk  |  ND3_22488  |  ND3_23164  |
 ND2_38669  |  ND2_5953  |  ND3_22785.v4  |  ND3_22374  |  ND3_15993  |
 ND3_21930 Snowy Egret Egretta thula  |  |  ND2_38480 Bishop Raymond T. Baker Macedonia Freewill Baptist Church  |  |  ND2_15417  |
 ND3_21127  |  |  ND3_21347  |  ND3_21443 PROOF  |  ND3_21461  |
 ND2_38038  |  Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias Great Blue Heron posing for profile shot. Notice how the feathers are swept to the camera-side shoulder. From any sort of distance, Great Blues look uniformly gray. I am always surprised by the amount of colour that is actually there. This and shots of many other birds can be seen in the Serious Bird Shots Gallery.
 |  ND3_20265  |  ND3_20063  |  |
 ND3_19761  |  ND3_19785  |  Christina  |  Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja Not just another pretty face. More bird shots can be seen in Serious Bird Shots  |  ND2_23856 Yellow-crowned Night Heron Nyctanassa violacea This and shots of many other birds can be seen in the Serious Bird Shots Gallery. If you are interested in the post-processing for this shot, take a look at the posting about the Yellow-crowned Night Heron in my blog.  |
 ND3_18857 Madison Kelly, climbing the pitch up Cleveland Street. She is wearing the green jersey, which indicates that she was the best sprinter of the previous day.  |  ND3_18194 Warming up for the Good Life Time Trial on a very foggy morning. More shots in Swim, Bike, Run.  |  Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla This tiny sandpiper weighs 20 grams; less than an ounce. It breeds throughout North America. More bird shots can be seen in Serious Bird Shots  |  Dunlin Calidris alpina The Dunlin is half the size of the similar looking Willet and about 3/4 the size of a Robin. This would be non-breeding plumage. More bird shots can be seen in Serious Bird Shots  |  ND2_37266  |
 |  ND3_17934 Cold temperatures and high winds made for a different kind of race. Other shots at Chilly Willy 2016.Chris Meyer  |  Northern Mockingbird Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos  |  Laughing Gull Dressed up and ready to impress; Lauging Gull in breeding colour. Larus atricilla  |  Bald Eagle
This one of a nesting pair at Honeymoon Island State Park near Dunedin, Florida. More in my gallery, Serious Bird Shots  |
 ND2_36799 Shot pinup style, on the US Victory Ship, in Tampa Harbour.  |  Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres Keegan gives this photo 10/10  |  The Roxbury Guys Royal Tern Sterna maxima  |  ND3_16785  |  Piping Plover Charadrius melodus  |
 ND2_30701 Brown Pelican Pelicanus occidentalis  |  ND3_16515  |  ND3_16698  |  ND3_16203  |  |
 ND3_3587 Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias  |  Laughing Gull Laughing Gull bathing.  |  Michelle & Kyle  |  ND3_15118  |  Kyle & Michelle  |
 |  ND3_14896  |  ND3_14907  |  |  ND3_14767  |
 Osprey  |  DSC_20143  |  ND3_12885 Keegan gives this a 9.7/10.  |  ND2_34337 Black-Hooded Parakeet Nandayus nenday
 |  ND3_12786  |
 ND2_34224 This Manatee was hanging around our dock on April 10. She appeared lethargic (but she is a Manatee). Today, April 11, she reappeared with a calf in tow!  |  ND3_13702  |  ND3_3270 Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus  |  Leah  |  Snowy Egret Snowy Egret Egretta thula  |
 ND3_12031 Baie-St-Paul, Quebec This can be found in the gallery Miscellany.  |  ND2_33832 Brown Pelican Pelicanus occidentalis  |  Photographer Speciies: Photographicus amphibious  |  DSC_22786  |  ND3_13265 Keegan gives this a 9.8/10  |
 ND3_12842  |  Foggy Evening A flock of Willetts gather at the shore.  |  ND2_33441 The picture is of Ralston. The Tradewinds is a nice posh hotel on the Gulf near our place. I was hanging around the deck on the ocean side, waiting for the sunset when Ralston approached and reminded me that if I needed anything, he would be at my service. We had a conversation and he told me a little bit about himself. Remembering that I had a camera, I asked him for a shot. The warm sunset light is what appealed to me when I positioned him, and the colour version is full of warmth, but somehow this black and white version is more about him. He said that someone older had told him there was a cereal named Ralston. He said he was too young and didn't remember that, but he thought I might. Sadly, no. But I did Google it when I got home, and it still exists.  |  ND3_11957  |  |
 ND3_12152  |  |  ND3_10965  |  Maygan  |  |
 |  Our Cruise Ship  |  Ship's Photographers  |  Sunshine Skyway As we passed under the Skyway, there was just enough light left to catch this picture. As the ship went under the bridge, a long blast of the horn was sounded. Those of us on the foredeck were certain that the stacks of the ship would be torn away by the bridge. It caused quite a stir.  |  |
 ND2_27499  |  DSC_22476  |  Marshall  |  |  Long Course Swim One of the swimmers in the K-Town Triathlon Long Course. You can tell from the calm water that he is in the lead. I like this shot. I like the reflection in the calmer water and the bow-wave as he breaks, and the trough created in the small of his back. More shots from that day can be seen at K-Town Triathlon 2013.  |
 ND3_3187 Odise has the deli near us. We go there for the gorgeous, way-better-than-supermarket, fresh vegetables. When people come over, we serve the smoked fish dip, made from locally caught mullet. The tabouleh and hummus are also regular purchases.
 |  DSC_22367  |  ND3_2991  |  ND3_2611  |  DSC_22166  |
 ND3_0438 Brown Pelican (Pelicanus occidentalis)  |  ND2_30531 The Post Card Inn is a focus point for volleyball players and the young-at-heart, possible because it one of the bars that has accessible parking. It's also the point where people in our neighbourhood enter the beach to watch the sunset or go for a walk.  |  ND3_1854  |  Saturday Evening Sunset  |  ND2_30482 Nicholas, the young male at the Clearwater Aquarium. He is about 300 lbs and was rescued as a baby, too young to have learned to hunt.  |
 |  ND2_29792  |  Pier at Fort De Soto  |  ND3_0380  |  Upham Beach Photographers of all sorts come to the beach near me. There are, of course the many who come to the beach to watch and photograph the sunset. But there are also catalog shoots, wedding shoots, calendar shoots and glamour shoots. Here, I caught a shoot in progress. A shot of a shoot.  |
 |  |  |  DSC_0253.v3  |  Phil Williams Phil Williams is an up-and-coming young fencer. This image is currently posted in Fencer Study.  |
 |  ND2_24727 A number of shots taken at Greenfield's Pub are in the Greenfields Pub Gallery. Here, drummer Barry Billingham
 |  |  ND2_21826 We met Lacey at Fort De Soto, where we had gone in search of birds. This shot is currently posted in Lacey, the Border Collie.  |  |
 Half-Marathon Start The 9RunRun Half-Marathon start takes place in a one of the fine, foggy Autumn drizzles. This is one of the images posted in 9RunRun 2011.  |  DSC_16815b A shot from Ironman USA 2008, reworked to emphasize the rain. This shot is posted in Running and Triathlon.  |  |  | |